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Katedra Informatyki



Supporting Higher Education 4.0 with Blockchain

Critical Analyses of Automation, Data, Digital Currency, and Other Disruptive Applications


Monografia pod redakcją pracowników Katedry Informatyki, Grażyny Paliwody-Pękosz i Piotra Soi. Autorami rozdziałów są pracownicy Katedry Informatyki (Janusz Stal, Jan Trąbka), Katedry Systemów Obliczeniowych (Dariusz Dymek, Paweł Konkol, Mariusz Grabowski, Dariusz Put), UEK oraz the University of Nicosia, Cyprus (Marinos Themistocleous, Klitos Christodoulou, Elias Iosif).

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Wybrane najnowsze publikacje i referaty autorstwa pracowników Katedry Informatyki
  • Michańków J., Kwiatkowski Ł., Morajda J.: Combining Deep Learning and GARCH Models for Financial Volatility and Risk Forecasting. In: Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2024). Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański, 2024.
  • Paweł Lustofin, Michał Kuciapski, Piotr SOJA: Exploring Client and Vendor Perspective on Software-as-a-Service Adoption Decision. In: Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2024). Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański, 2024.
  • Ella Kolkowska, Ewa SOJA, Piotr SOJA: Determinants of Digital Transformation of Elderly Care: Preliminary Insights from Polish and Swedish Technology Providers. In: Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2024). Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański, 2024.
  • Piotr SOJA, Przemysław Lech, Bartosz Marcinkowski: Do Blockchain and Enterprise Systems Go Hand in Hand? An Exploratory Study. In: Proceedings of the 30th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2024). Salt Lake City: The Association for Information Systems, 2024.
  • Grażyna PALIWODA-PĘKOSZ, Piotr SOJA: Blockchain Technology in Education 4.0: an Introduction. In: Supporting Higher Education 4.0 with Blockchain: Critical Analyses of Automation, Data, Digital Currency, and Other Disruptive Applications. Ed.: Grażyna PALIWODA-PĘKOSZ, Piotr SOJA. New York; Abingdon: Routledge, 2023.
  • Ewa SOJA, Piotr SOJA, Ella Kolkowska: Investigating the Role of Gender in Active and Healthy Ageing Supported by ICT: Preliminary Insights from Polish and Swedish Older Adults. In: AMCIS 2023 Proceedings. Atlanta: The Association for Information Systems, 2023.
  • Ella Kolkowska, Ewa SOJA, Piotr SOJA: Intergenerational Tensions in ICT Adoption for Independent and Healthy Ageing: Preliminary Insights from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Poland and Sweden. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023). Atlanta: The Association for Information Systems, 2023.
  • The 31st International conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2023), 30.08.2023 – 1.09.2023, Lisbona, Portugalia, uczestnik: Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz, referat: „Reconciling Multiple Stakeholders in University ICT Curricula Development: Preliminary Lessons Learned from Poland and Norway„. Współautorzy: Piotr Soja, Dariusz Dymek, Marius Rohde Johannessen, Lasse Berntzen, Tove Bøe, Kim Normann Andersen
  • 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 3-6.01.2023, uczestnik: Piotr Soja, referat: „Understanding Drivers for Acceptance and Use of Digital Care Services for Seniors: Learning from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Poland and Sweden
  • The 30th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2022), Kuala Lumpur, Malezja, 28.11.2022 – 2.12.2022, uczestnik: Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz, referat: „The Perspectives of Distance Learning in Higher Education: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences (ISCSS 2022) “When Science Meets Art”, Wiedeń, Austria, 6-9.12.2022. Referat: Janusz Morajda “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Visual Art – Capabilities, Perspectives And Limitations
  • European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems EMCIS 2022, online, 21-22.12.2022. Referat: Janusz Morajda “The Concept of a New Neural Map for Clustering, Data Visualization and Prediction with Probability Distribution Approximation
  • 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2022), Minneapolis, USA, 10-14.08.2022, uczestnik: Piotr Soja, referaty: „Is Blockchain Actually Any… Good?” oraz “Defining Seniors’ Value-based Objectives for ICT-supported Governmental Elderly Care Services: Preliminary Lessons from Poland and Sweden